Webinář: Streamlining NMR Spectrometer Usage, a Use-Case of Smart Drive NMR for Pharmaceutical Industry

17. října, 2023
Streamlining NMR Spectrometer Usage, a Use-Case of SmartDriveNMR for Pharmaceutical Industry

Webinar Overview

Optimization of costly NMR spectrometer acquisition time while maintaining short turnaround times are of peculiar importance for analytical services, usually dealing with large number of samples. For structural analysis, a significant step was achieved with the use of Non-Uniform Sampling (NUS) for 2D acquisition on a routine basis. Now, with the introduction of a tool like SmartDriveNMR, further optimization in full automation is possible to find to find the optimal acquisition parameters for the desired spectral quality. 

Selecting the appropriate NMR acquisition parameters to ensure adequate spectral quality while limiting the acquisition time has always been a challenge in NMR, requiring training and experience. Non-Uniform Sampling was a significant milestone to limit acquisition time, yet it also even complicated parameter selections. Without prior scouting analysis, even advanced user may fail, ending up with low quality data and/or wasting spectrometer time.

To try to tackle these challenges, Evotec ID Lyon has implemented SmartDriveNMR for its routine structural analysis workflows. This webinar will present this use case, towards automated, failsafe on-the-fly optimization of NMR acquisition for structural analysis.

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